Just Wondering...
Does anybody actually read this blog anymore? I noticed the last entry got zero comments.
If you do read this blog, and like this blog, let me know. I like comments.
1 Peter 3:15 "In your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you."
Does anybody actually read this blog anymore? I noticed the last entry got zero comments.
If you do read this blog, and like this blog, let me know. I like comments.
Posted by
C. M. White
Hey Caleb, I read your blog...you just need to post more often! :)
Oops, meant to say that I read and like your blog.
I read your blog periodically and like it. Xanga is just easier for me to access.
I pop in every now and then.
I think your blog is great. Please keep on posting!
Hey, caleb. this is my first time at your blog. i got here from tony's.
No, no one ever comes here anymore, Caleb.... ;)
Except all these people that commented. =D
I read it very occationally...basically when I remember that you have one that's not on Xanga :)
i just followed your link from a xanga comment box and your link interested me. just on my way out the door so i'm just perusing -- but your writing makes me want to come and visit again. so here's another comment. :)
And I just found this blog by typing "obsessed with god"--minus the quotes--into Google. :) Good thoughts, continue your devotion to God, and know that it isn't always for us to see the results. We are commanded to teach and study and grow and do all things in the name of the LORD. You are doing great.
And for your reading I recommend Thomas a Kempis, "On the Imitation of Christ". I think you will enjoy it based on your "Obsession" post. :)
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